Sunday, March 3, 2013

J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Time Travelling Scientist

        Robert saw what his creation did and screamed "What kind of horror have I created?!"

Before I continue, I want to introduce myself, I am citizen X, a working class man who works from 9 to 5 lives in a decent house in a nice neighborhood. I'm just another number in this crazy world but I will not keep silent knowing that the world I live in could come to an end at any moment from now. I have decided to set out on a quest to save humanity but if anything goes wrong, I want whoever finds this to know of my struggles... Let me take you back now to the early 1900s.
Circular shaped emblem with the words "Manhattan Project" at the top, and a large "A" in the center with the word "bomb" below it, surmounting the US Army Corps of Engineers' castle emblem
Julius (J.) Robert Oppenheimer ,the founding father of theoretical physics, was born on 22 April, 1904 in New York to Ella Friedman and Julius S. Oppenheimer. He studied at ECSS and then Harvard in 1922 to become a chemist, it wasn't something that appealed to him though, so he began studying to become physicist. He graduated at the top of his class in 1925 and soon he was off to Cambridge University in England to work in their labs under another man by the name of JJ. Thomson. In 1926 he went to a German college to work under a man named Max Born. He recieved a Ph.D   when he was 22 and began publishing works about the Quantum Theory and a paper on separation of nuclear motion from electronic motion by means of different mathematical equations which was called the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. After years of transferring between CIT and the University of California he conducted experiments on astrophysics and quantum field theory. In 1930, Oppenheimer wrote papers about "black holes" he's the first scientist to ever speak about them. Oppenheimer married Katharine Harrison in 1940 and a year later, they had a child, Peter Oppenheimer. Once WWII began Robert began working under Gen. Leslie Groves who placed him as the director of the Manhattan Project. Robert worked on this project to build something that workers only had been told would be "the end of the war" this became known as an "Atomic Bomb" one of the most devastating weapons known to man. Once it was finished, Robert took it to White Sands Proving Grounds and tested this bomb at the Trinity Site on 16 July, 1945, this test was seen or heard by many because some say the sky lit up and there was a sonic boom. In order to keep it from going public as to what happened, the government said it was merely a dump truck explosion at the dump. Once they discovered the test was a success, they made two more bombs and had them dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, it was so devastating that the war came to an end very shortly after. Robert became a hero and later became the Director of Advanced Studies at Princeton for a period of time. In 1966 after years of work and studies, Robert retired from work and later died from throat cancer on 18 February, 1967.

Let's skip ahead now to the year 2012, The US is the largest producer and owner or nuclear weapons with over 8,413 nuclear weapons; China with 240; France with about 300, Russia with 4,521 that are known of; and the UK with about 385... Scary thought isn't it? Only one press of a button and the whole world is in the middle of WWIII. The government doesn't seem to have a care in the world about the safety of our people... We're all just trying to make it to through the long weeks and the short weekends, we don't have time to worry about making sure we're 100% protected for the moment the first bomb is set out, it's just madness. I don't understand why we have to be so hostile and why it's a must to have a nuclear device armed for deployment. If only Mr. Oppenheimer realized what his original "great" idea was going to turn into; he's probably turning in his grave right now
Wait! What if it is possible for him to see what the world has come to? What if there's a way to bring him here to the year 2012? I must begin working on ideas to bring him back!!!
The year is 2525, Myself along with a local "mad man" as he was called, have made a very poor time machine in order to kidnap our scientist and bring him to the present... It has been a long and hard process but today's the day we're attempting it. We have set the date to January 1 1945 and I have graciously given myself to be the kidnapper. "All timers set, wires checked, scanner ready! 3..2..1.. Goodbye!" Those were the last word my friend said until I found myself inside Los Alamos labs... What a rush! I look to my left and who do I see walking into his office? Yup, Professor Oppenheimer. Here goes nothin'! I run up and grab him and drag him to a small janitors office and  I'm back with my friend cheering and this poor scientist on the brink of a heart attack in my arms. I release him and all I hear come from his mouth are the words "WHAT IN THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! WHERE ARE WE?!!" "No time to explain, follow me" I say to him. I grab his arm and take him 75 years into the future, the world is now a battleground, no buildings are standing, there are bodies scattered along the ground, cars are on fire... This is hell! I look over at Robert, he is in shock and only saying "What is this? What is this?" I turn to him and explain that his bombs caused this ultimate destruction... Robert saw what his creation did and screamed "What kind of horror have I created?!" He quickly turned back to me sobbing and asking what we should do, "we must remove them" I say, "How?" he murmurs.. I explain to him that he must dispose of them in some way so we began thinking of ideas... After a moment of thinking he screamed "LET US WRAP ALL OF THEM IN BUBBLE WRAP AND STORE THEM IN ICEBERGS!" It sounds crazy! "Let's un-build the bombs and use the pieces for the good of the world!" I say. "How do we do that?" Robert asked me.. "How should I know?!" I answered him. I think this is going to be harder than we expected! After hours of brainstorming we have decided to return to the year 2013 and raise awareness in hopes that teens will understand how dangerous these weapons are, we leave it in the hands of you! What will you choose?

Here are some videos on Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project for you

J. Robert Oppenheimer - Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

After you've watched these videos, take a short survey by clicking here

Works Cited

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